Life Coaching


We value the importance of finding your fullest potential. 


And Life Coaching is perfect for anyone that wants to live to their fullest potential and is looking to give meaning and purpose to their life.


So if you are wondering what is happening and why? or lacking confidence and looking for guidance and meaning to life circumstances but not sure where to start, we are here you tell you: You are not alone and there is support available to you to provide you with the clarity you are looking for!
This is a spiritually uplifting comprehensive conversation, providing a deeper understanding and wisdom on how we connect with ourselves and how that translates on how we connect to others and whatever we are currently going through. Gain inspiration and courage to move forward confidently and in harmony!


We have Coaching Packages available that help you not only SAVE bu also stay committed to make a change! Research shows that you are more likely to stay committed and hold yourself accountable when purchasing your sessions in advance!


All packages include the Energy Leadership™ Index Attitudinal Assessment (ELI).


The Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment enables clients to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and overall leadership capabilities. It’s truly an absolutely AMAZING tool. It tells you exactly where you are in life and why.


With an ELI you will gain very specific knowledge about you and how you operate on a regular basis.  Learn how you view the world through filters (based on experiences, values, assumptions, etc.) and how they are influencing the results you are getting and what's holding you back!  


All Coaching Sessions are with Laura Pons.


She is a  Licensed Master in Social Work (LMSW), a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and a Master Practitioner in Energy Leadership (ELI-MP), a E-RYT200 Certified Yoga Instructor, and a Usui/Tibetan/Brahman Reiki Master Teacher (IARP, RMT) by training.



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